Here's some art for sale

Call or email for sizes and media...

Some come with modeling shots, synopsis, sketches, etc.

(702) 754-1438

(We have more - email for the full list, including sizes and associated goodies)

Sorry about the picture quality - these are from photos. If interested, feel free to call for better pictures

Updated 02jan2024


Hardy Boys 67 - Paul Bachem - The Outlaw's Silver (damaged before use on the cover, kinda cool, kinda expensive) --> $1100

Hardy Boys 90 - Paul Bachem - Danger on the Diamond --> $750

Hardy Boys 122 - Daniel Horne - Carnival of Crime --> $750 (a new low in picture taking ability)

Hardy Boys 124 - Brian Kotsky - Mystery with a Dangerous Beat --> $750

Hardy Boys 129 - Vince Natalie - Treasure at Dolphin Bay --> $950

Hardy Boys 135 - Brian Kotsky - The Hypersonic Secret --> $750

Hardy Boys 143 - Lee MacLeod - The Giant Rat of Sumatra --> $400

Hardy Boys 147 - John Youssi - Trial and Terror --> $950


Hardy Boys CaseFiles 4 - Brian Kotsky - The Lazarus Plot --> $1,200


Nancy Drew Files 109 - Cliff Miller - Love Notes --> $600 (if I can find it…)


Nancy Drew Notebooks 5 - Cliff Miller - The Soccer Shoe Clue --> $575

Nancy Drew Notebooks 7 - Cliff Miller - Trouble at Camp Treehouse --> $585


(New) Bobbsey Twins 23 - Randy Berrett - The Monster Mouse Mystery --> $375

(New) Bobbsey Twins 24 - Randy Berrett - Case of the Goofy Gameshow --> $375


Friday the 13th 4 - Cliff Miller - Road Trip - --> $950